Tenor Ukebanjo

The ukulele banjo was made famous by the English comedian George Formby. He made more than 20 films, all featuring his uke banjo. His most famous films in this country are Let George Do It and Boots. Thanks to his distinctive playing, the instrument quickly spread to other musicians.
This instrument has a 44,3 cm scale (it is the largest type of ukebanjo we produce), has 19 frets and is most often tuned EHGD, i.e. like a guitar. The D string can also be tuned an octave higher. ´
The tenor ukebanjo is also suitable for jazz and swing.
Thanks to this, any guitarist can start playing the uke banjo and thus expand their musical possibilities. Nylon strings (the same as on a guitar ukulele) are mostly used on the uke banjo.
The pictures you see are illustrative. Ukulele banjos can be more or less decorated, depending on your order. They can be made in either openback or resonator versions.